醒来吧,意大利!Wake up, Italy!
亲爱的意大利朋友, 我们是新中国联邦的中国人,我们想向你们讲述中共CCP病毒和香港抗争运动的真相。 自去年年底以来,CCP病毒肆虐整个世界,夺去了无数人的生命. 你们能想象得到吗,CCP病毒是来自中共国解放军的实验室的生化武器! 早在10年前,中共就有计划地开始制造生化武器,目的就是想搞垮美国及西方文明国家。他们的邪恶野心就是想用共产主义统治全世界。 醒来吧,意大利! 醒来吧,全世界人民! 再不觉醒的话,我们的孩子将失去未来和希望! 中国共产党把英国人用100年建立起来的繁荣民主自由的香港,只用不到20年的时间就变成一个人间地狱。中共CCP不讲诚信,践踏《香港基本法》。他们抓捕、强奸、杀戮争取自由民主的香港同胞,其罪行堪比当年的法西斯纳粹! 亲爱的意大利朋友, 请支持香港! 支持新中国联邦! 正义一定会战胜邪恶! 中国共产党不代表我们中国人! 一位新中国联邦公民 Dear Italian friends, We, the citizens of the New Federal States of China would like to tell you the TRUTH about the CCP virus and the protest movement in Hong Kong. The CCP virus has been ravaging the world since the end of last year, killing and injuring millions of people worldwide. Can you imagine that the CCP virus came from a laboratory of the Chinese Communist Liberation Army. They've been planning to create a biological weapon for the last 10 years.The goal is to destroy the United States and Western civilization.Their evil ambition is to dominate the world with communism. Wake up Italy! Wake up the World! Our children are losing their future and hope! The Chinese Communist Party has turned Hong Kong, a prosperous, democratic and free city founded by the British 100 years ago, into a living hell in less than 20 years.The CCP has no integrity and trample to keep the Basic Law of Hong Kong.They seize, rape and kill the people of Hong Kong who are fighting for the freedom and democracy. They are comparable to the Nazis. Dear Italian friends, please Stand with Hong Kong!
Support the New Federal Statrs of China! God will triumph over evil! The Chinese Communist Party does not represent us —the Chinese people! Thank you for reading! From a citizen of the New Federal States of China

作者:文德 亲爱的意大利朋友, 我们是新中国联邦的中国人,我们想向你们讲述中共CCP病毒和香港抗争运动的真相。 自去年年底以来,CCP病毒肆虐整个世界,夺去了无数人的生命. 你们能想象得到吗,CCP病毒是来自中共国解放军的实验室的生化武器!...